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Just some of our Projects Completed - see complete list

Our First Completed Project

July 2009 a start was made for the toilets and kitchen extension at St Andrew's Church, with completion early 2010

Dedication took place Valentines Day Sunday 14th February 2010 by Rt Revd Christopher Morgan, Bishop of Colchester

March 2010

Donation received from local resident in memory of his wife, enable FOSTAC to replace the rear gates to churchyard of St Andrew's Church

April 2012

See More Light

Chandelier Cream Tea held at Shalford Village Hall to raise funds for the re-wiring on the main Chandelier 

June 2016

Restoration of the Church Organ commenced with all 745 pipes being removed from the organ chamber and reshaped as necessary with some of the work being undertaken at the Church and the remainder in the contractor’s workshop. The costs in the order of £11,600

Back in the 1860s the congregation at St Andrew’s church would probably have sung hymns to the tune of a barrel organ. At some time during that decade it was decided to install a pipe organ. Between 1871-72 restoration work was undertaken by CC Rolfe and as part of the works the North Vestry and organ chamber were added but it was some years before the organ installation took place, no doubt for the time honoured reason of lack of finance. [see more]

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